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Atlas of Bifurcations

October 22-24, 2021

Diep~Haven 2021

festival of ideas and contemporary art
Encounters, debates, screenings, readings, workshops

D.S.N., Dieppe National Stage
Dieppe Fish Auction (Port of Dieppe)
Direction : Aliocha Imhoff & Kantuta Quiros

Friday, October 22, 2021
Saturday, October 23, 2021
Sunday, October 24, 2021
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Sunday, October 24, 2021

Diep~haven 2021 Festival
festival of ideas and contemporary art

D.S.N. – Dieppe Scène Nationale, Normandy

when :
2-4pm at D.S.N, Great Hall
6:30-10pm at D.S.N, Great Hall

With Ludivine Bantigny, historian, Alexandre Gefen, literary theorist, Noémi Lefebvre, writer, poet


2:00-3:00 pm at D.S.N. – Dieppe Scène Nationale, Great Hall

Alexandre Gefen, literature theorist

Politics of literature
Conference and meeting with Alexandre Gefen

“After having despaired of political commitment and action, the return of writers to the city is a major inflection in contemporary literature. Whether it is to defend ecological or feminist causes, to promote social and environmental justice, to go into the field to work with the invisible and the dominated, or on the contrary to defend cultural identities, the repoliticization of contemporary literature is multifaceted and manifest. It is on this bifurcation that I propose to reflect.” (A.G.)
Director of research at the CNRS unit “Theory and History of Modern Art and Literature” (UMR7172, THALIM, CNRS / Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3), Alexandre Gefen works on the history of ideas and contemporary literature, epistemology and literary theory. Founder of the website, he is also interested in digital humanities, networked writing and popular cultures. He is also a literary critic. Latest publications: Réparer le monde. La littérature française face au XXIe siècle, Corti, 2017. With Sandra Laugier, Le Pouvoir des liens faibles, CNRS éditions, 2002. Territoires de la non-fiction, Brill, 2020. With Olivier Bessard-Banquy and Sylvie Ducas, Best-sellers. L’industrie du succès, Armand Colin, 2021. L’idée de littérature. De l’art pour l’art aux écritures d’intervention, Corti, 2021.

3:00-4:00 pm at D.S.N. – Dieppe Scène Nationale, Great Hall

Ludivine Bantigny, historian

Ludivine Bantigny is a historian. She is a lecturer in contemporary history at the University of Rouen-Normandy and a specialist in the history of May ’68 and the contingent during the Algerian War.






6:30-10pm at D.S.N. – Dieppe Scène Nationale, Great Hall

Noémi Lefebvre, writer, poet

Words words words words – Noémi Lefebvre
“To give to distribute to attribute to grant to obtain to carry to have to keep to appropriate to monopolise to address to pass to cut to return to lose to limit to take the word,  to speak not to be silent or to speak to speak, for what good, to say what, to make what?
To carry the verb “to be” high by knowing how to say, to have the art of language, to measure what speaking means, to master forms and formulas and yet to say nothing.Or to make no point or to make it heard and yet to really speak about something important and urgent.
Is the power of poetic speech in the absence of performative intention? Starting with an improvised setting of Parle, we will try to take language back to zero and we will ask ourselves how to hear what does not speak, why speak, how to say what to do, how to act in order not to remain silent, whether we should speak about everything or nothing and whether we have not, in the end, spoken too much.
Reading and words in free improvisation”. Noémi Lefebvre

Born in 1964 in Caen, Noémi Lefebvre lives in Lyon. With Verticales, she has published four fictions that have been well received critically and abroad: L’Autoportrait bleu (2009; translated into Italian by Safara, in English by Sophie Lewis, published by Les Fugitives/London and Transit Books/USA, Canada, 2017), L’Etat des sentiments à l’âge adulte (2012), L’enfance politique (2015), Poétique de l’emploi (2017, translated into English by Sophie Lewis, ed. Les Fugitives, to be published in February 2021), Parler followed by Tais-toi (2021)