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diep/ festival de la côte d’albâtre, — littoral coast line, 2013



Commissaires : Philippe Terrier Hermann, Alice Schÿler Mallet, Sarah Michel

Mare Nostrum
Chateau Musée, Dieppe
Avec Joan Ayrton, Maura Biava, Elina Brotherus, Simon Faithfull, Charles Lopez

D’une rive à l’autre
space de la mer Pourville
Avec Francis Alÿs, Maxim Brygo, Pascal Cribier & Florence Levasseur Marcel Dinahet, Christof Draeger et Heindrun Holzfeind, Dominique Gonzales Foster, collectif Interlope, Gabriel Jones, joseph krommendijk & paul smith & alice van den berg, Emilien Leroy, Nicolas Moulin, Jürgen Nefzger, Alice Schÿler Mallet, Philipe Teriier Hermann

Une cabine des cabanes

Front de mer, Dieppe
Avec collectif ar2, Magali Decaen, Lea Mayer et Maëmme Maisonneuve, Maxime Toreau

The 2013 edition of Festival Diep is an overview of different representations of the coastline, confronting the poetic, even romantic, treatment of the maritime landscape against its social, economic and strategic realities. The exhibition is engaged with the history of the city of Dieppe, which has a long history as a seaside resort, as a trading and fishing port, and, at times, as a combat zone. The coastline is a natural border area where different elements meet and which includes opposing human activities–thus, it is a paradoxical space that strikes us by its intensity : it is a landscape invites contemplation and study, dreams and anxieties. Photographs, videos, installations reflect a maritime culture that developed over the centuries and crystallized into artistic practices: the 17th century paintings of sea landscapes, harbor views, shipwrecks and picturesque vignettes ; to the romantic and then impressionistic approaches of the 18th to 20th centuries… The fascination of this landscape still expresses itself today in contemporary art, giving rise to works that both cite old influences and make new experiments.